
At V12 Enterprises, our journey through the world of automotive photography has been marked by remarkable achievements and partnerships that underscore our commitment to excellence. Here are some of the highlights that define our path and underscore our dedication to bringing the art of automotive design and history to life through photography.

1. reFocus Awards Triumph

In December of 2023, Bill Pack received top honors at the prestigious reFocus Black & White Photo Contest, a testament to his mastery in capturing the essence of automotive art. Competing against entries from 77 countries, Bill's distinctive "CarScapes" series won 1st Place in the Black & White category, as well as receiving Gold in both the Minimalism and Fine Art categories. This recognition is not just a reflection of Bill's individual talent but also a celebration of his innovative "Painting with Light" technique, which continues to redefine the boundaries of automotive photography. The reFocus Awards, known for celebrating the indomitable spirit of the photographic image, recognized Bill for his unique ability to communicate profound artistic visions through his lens.

Click to View the Series CarScapes

2. "19" – A Roger Penske Commission

In a commission that stands as a hallmark of Bill's career, Roger Penske personally tasked Bill with creating a private book titled "19", celebrating his 19 wins at the world-renowned Indianapolis 500 Motor Speedway. This project involved not only Bill’s photographic genius but also the skilled book design of Lionel Ferreira of Ferreira Design Company. Presented to Roger Penske in April 2024, the book received acclaim for its breathtaking photography and elegant presentation, garnering high praise from Roger Penske and his team at Penske Corp. "19" is a stunning tribute to the legacy of one of motorsport’s most celebrated figures and reflects the high standards of storytelling and visual presentation that are hallmarks of V12 Enterprises.

Click to View “19” A Roger Penske Commission

These accolades not only highlight Bill Pack’s skill and dedication as a photographer but also V12 Enterprises’ commitment to excellence and innovation in the realm of automotive photography. Each achievement and commissioned work pushes the boundaries of what is possible, capturing the beauty and soul of automotive design and heritage for enthusiasts and collectors around the world.